Tuesday 18 June 2013

Work those Abs!

Princess Perfect Pants and Fitness Freak are very rarely seen without their aerobics kit, tennis raquet or bike (and often all three), even when doing the shopping at Sainsburys or having their legs waxed. T&W has sneaking suspicion they just pose at the school gates looking all virtuous then rush home, slump on the settee and watch Jeremy Kyle whilst stuffing chocolates!

T&W noticed there's a concerted effort to get mums to hire a personal trainer a la desperate housewives; there is even a "fitness show" for all to see in park whilst on the school run to encourage slouch potatoes to get off their lardy backsides and work those abs! T&W has also been targeted - bit of an insult! Someone has spotted her and thought "Oy,oy, got a right one here. Looks like a cross between Waynetta Slob and the Michelin man does this one!" T&W not likely to be much of an advert though. "Yes, you too could have twiglet legs and sticking out ribs if you did this kind of workout!". Blame it on the genes, T&W always does ... blame it on parents, Plink and Plonk.

But T&W becoming like Fitness Freak as has been to Zumba! Yes, Latin American fitness phenomenon! T&W enjoyed this a lot but would have been better with Tequila slammers and Nachos just to get into South American spirit. Lots of Whooping encouraged!!? Whoop! Whoop! Bit strange to be honest. But on a wintry Tuesday night, standing in a cold room in a sportsclub that smells of stale beer, doing Zumba ..... would you really, hand on heart spontaneously whoop? Surely there are other things more likely to make you whoop and some even involve lying down! Fitness Freak probably would spontaneously whoop at a zumba class but then again she'd probably fall off her bicycle ...

1 comment:

  1. I Loved this - definately sounded like Tues night. Tried to keep with insanely fast music pretending to look rhythmic but in reality trying not to poke anyone in the eye, fall over or die from cramp ! Only time wanted to whoop was when she said we were finished !!
